Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a rare form of cancer that can affect our immune system.
It starts at the lymphatic system resulting in your body producing abnormally shaped lymphocytes.
The condition can form tumors throughout your body making it hard for your body to respond to chemotherapy.
As with other conditions, famous people are not immune to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Here is a list of celebrities who have battled this condition at some point in their lives.
1. Sam Neill

Back in March 2022, Neill, the Jurassic Park star, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The cancer was discovered while it was in stage 3 and to distract himself, he decided to write his memoirs.
While promoting Jurassic World Dominion, he was battling cancer behind the scenes.
Luckily, he got treated and is currently in remission, but he has prepared himself for the future; in case the condition returns.
2. Jane Fonda

Another celebrity who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2022 is Jane Fonda.
Fonda shared her condition with her fans on her Instagram page. She said that she had been diagnosed with the condition and had started treatments.
She was very hopeful and believed that she would be well as over 80% of the people who have been diagnosed with the condition have survived.
And by the end of the year, her condition was in remission and she had even finished her treatment.
3. Gene Wilder

Born Silberman Jerome, Gene was diagnosed and hospitalized in 1999 after being diagnosed with this condition.
But after undergoing stem cell treatments and chemotherapy, he went into remission by 2005.
Unfortunately, Gene passed away in 2016 after a 3-years long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.
He had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 3 years earlier, but he kept the condition private as he didn’t want to disappoint his fans.
4. Tony Lommi

Lommi battled cancer for several years, a journey that began when he discovered a lump in his groin.
And while the doctors were reducing the size of his prostate, they discovered that he had a rare kind of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Initially, he hadn’t planned on getting the lump checked, but after being convinced by Ozzy Osborne, he went for a checkup and got treated for more than just the lump.
5. Abby Lee Miller

Lovers of “Dance Moms,” know Lee Miller, a popular choreographer and dance instructor who has shaped the lives of many dancers.
But did you know that she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? While undergoing a spinal surgery, doctors discovered that she had Burkitt lymphoma.
This condition affected her spine, making it hard for her to walk, but after undergoing treatment, she was back on her feet and doing what she loves.
6. Liam Hendriks

The baseball relief pitcher announced on January 8, 2023 that he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Liam noticed that he had some growths on his neck in June 2022.
He took some tests which came out clean confirming that it was just stress.
But after the season ended, he noticed that the lumps had grown and after further testing the doctor confirmed that he had cancer.
Liam started chemotherapy on April 5 2023 and by April 20th he announced that he was cured.
Celebrities Who Lost Their Battle to Non-hodgkin’s Lymphoma
7. Arlen Specter

Former U.S. Senator Specter was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma back in the 2000s.
The Pennsylvanian politician served as the U.S. senator for 3 decades, and he believed that it was another battle he had to win.
He underwent chemotherapy and was in remission after undergoing a number of chemo treatments.
Unfortunately, he was later diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2012.
He was released after a month in the hospital and was expected to go back for further treatment, but he died from the condition on October 14 the same year.
8. Jackie Kennedy

The former and most popular American first lady was diagnosed with this condition in 1993.
After getting into a horse accident, she was taken to the hospital where the doctors discovered that she had non-Hodgkin’s cancer.
Unfortunately, it was aggressive and had spread all over her body resulting in her death.
Wrap Up
Just like with any form of cancer, early detection of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is crucial. When detected earlier, you have a higher chance of getting treated.
So, it’s crucial to always go for checkups on time.
Remember, some celebrities like Jackie Kennedy lost their lives because the condition was discovered too late and it had already spread in her body.